Students are expected to follow Test-in-Place procedures for online proctored exams at their own place of residence. For exceptional cases in which you are unable to do so, Library West has ten Proctored Online Testing Booths available for reservation. They are located on the southwest side of the 2nd floor.
Who can reserve a booth?
- Currently-enrolled UF students can reserve a proctored online testing booth. Booths are to be used only for taking online proctored exams.
- Booths are designed for exams that are flexibly scheduled and independent from a fixed testing date and start time. These are sometimes called asynchronous exams.
- Reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Reservations can be made up to 2 weeks ahead of time.
- Reservation blocks of time are pre-designated and cannot be changed. Blocks are available during hours that Library West is open. Blocks are between 2 and 3 hours duration, Sundays through Fridays. Longer, full-day blocks are available on Saturdays.
- You must show your reservation confirmation email when you come to the Library West 2nd Floor Circulation Desk to pick up your key.
What equipment is in the booth?
- A computer workstation on the UF network.
- A webcam. The cord is long enough so that you can remove the camera from the monitor and show the proctor the entire testing space.
- A door that closes for testing privacy.
- The workstation does not have speakers. If audio is required, you will need to bring your own headphones.
Below, read our full policies for using and reserving a testing booth. Then proceed to reserve a booth.
Read about the booths and how to use them.
Reserve a Testing Booth
Once you have read our policies, you may reserve a booth.
Test Day Procedures & Help
What to bring on test day, and who to ask for help.