Graduate Student Floor at Library West
The 6th floor of Library West is specifically designated for the use by UF graduate students and is designed to support both quiet study and collaborative work.
- Wireless internet access.
- Individual study desks with power for laptops.
- Large reading tables for quiet group study.
- Lounge seating throughout the floor.
- 3 group study rooms: Two rooms accommodate up to six students and the third room accommodates up to four students.
- Large, wall-mounted display panels are available in all three group study rooms with VGA, HDMI, and AirMedia Wi-Fi connections available.
- Media Production and Scanning Station.
- Small book lockers: They are assigned for one academic semester on a first-come, first-served basis. Ask our employees at the 2nd floor Circulation Desk if any are available.
- Black and White Print Release Station located in the northwest corner near the lockers.
- Currently enrolled UF graduate students automatically have access to the 6th floor.
- To access the floor, you will need to use your Gator 1 card. Swipe your Gator 1 card through the reader in any of the library elevators before selecting the 6th floor.
- If you encounter difficulties swiping up to the 6th floor, please stop at the 2nd floor Circulation Desk for assistance.
- Only currently enrolled graduate students at the University of Florida may use the 6th floor. Others should not be admitted.
- The floor is available for use during all hours that Library West is open.
- Group study rooms must be reserved in advance through the online room reservation system.
- Keys for lockers may be checked out at the 2nd floor Circulation Desk.
- Please be considerate of other graduate students who are using the floor for quiet study.
- Repeat violations of guidelines may result in revocation of related privileges.