General Policies
All items are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not accept reservations for technology.
You can borrow only one kit of each type of item. You can borrow as many different types of items as you need, but only one kit of each type. For example, you can borrow one Yeti Microphone and one Olympus DSLR Camera, but not two Yeti Microphones.
Borrowing Periods
The length of time you can borrow an item varies. You must return all items to the Library West Circulation Desk by the due date and time.
3-Hour Loans
You can borrow these items for use inside of Library West only, for a period of 3 hours.
7-Day Loans
These items are borrowed for 7 days, and you can take them home. Please check the “due date” slip closely. The item must be returned on the day printed, by midnight or by the time the library closes that day (whichever is earlier).
30-Day Loans
These items are borrowed for 30 days, and you can take them home. Please check the “due date” slip closely. The item must be returned on the day printed, by midnight or by the time the library closes that day (whichever is earlier).
Your Responsibility
When you borrow technology from Library West, we check to ensure all pieces are included. We will also ask you to confirm this. The items will then be placed on your library account, and the borrowing period starts at that time.
Due to the number of students who borrow technology from Library West, renewal is not guaranteed.
You may be able to renew a technology kit that you have borrowed if another kit of the same type is available. To renew, bring your items back in person to the Library West Circulation Desk. We will check that the kit is complete and undamaged, that another is available for other users, and renew the kit. You cannot renew items by phone or email.
Renewal of a technology kit does not remove any overdue fines. If you are bringing back the item(s) late, you are responsible for any fines prior to renewal.
If missing pieces or damaged equipment are found while we inspect the kit for renewal, you may not be allowed to renew it. See our policies for technology fines, fees, and lost items.