Studio Policies and Procedures

The Scott Nygren Scholars Studio is a library space designed for digital humanities collaborations within the George A. Smathers Libraries and across campus. Events and activities are frequently scheduled in the Studio, and these policies and procedures cover expectations for reservations and usage.

Studio Reservations

Purpose of the Studio

The Studio is used for digital humanities project work, consultations, academic courses, technical workshops, and conferences.

Reservation requests pertaining to digital humanities will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. All other requests will fall in order of the priority list below.

When a digital humanities reservation is requested at least one week in advance, other reservations will need to be rescheduled or relocated.

Priority List

  1. Digital humanities project work, consultations, courses, workshops, and conferences
  2. Digital scholarship research posters and presentations
  3. Information literacy instruction and library employee training
  4. General library meetings

“Hold Reservations”

Hold reservations can be made for the Studio. Once a final date and time has been selected, the organizer is responsible for editing or cancelling the hold reservation.

As often as possible, request a reservation for the amount of time required rather than holding an entire day.

If reservations of higher priority are made according to the priority list, hold reservations will need to be rescheduled or relocated.

Special Events

Conferences and Symposiums

The Studio welcomes digital humanities-related conferences and symposiums.

Tables and chairs are movable to accommodate different event setups. The Studio seats 34 people in total, including the presenter’s podium.

Please contact the Digital Humanities Associate, Tiffany C. Esteban, at, for your event planning and space management needs.

How Can I Request a Reservation?

Send an email to with event details, including dates, times, the number of attendees, and a brief description.

Who Approves Reservation Requests?

The Digital Humanities Associate, Tiffany C. Esteban, handles all Studio reservations.

Studio Use

Technology Troubleshooting Procedure

  1. Contact UF Library IT by phone at 352-273-2800, or submit a Library IT Grover ticket.
  2. Notify the Digital Humanities Associate, Tiffany C. Esteban, by email at with information about the technology issues.

Food and Drink Policy

Covered drinks and light snacks are permitted in the Studio.
Please do not eat or drink near the computer equipment.

Event Setup and Cleanup Responsibilities

The individual or group with the reservation is responsible for the setup and cleanup of their event. Cleanup responsibilities are listed below.

  • Wipe down all of the tables when necessary. Cleaning supplies are provided in the Studio cabinet.
  • Return tables and chairs to the original Studio Setup pictured below.
  • Vacuum the carpet when necessary. You can borrow a vacuum from Library Facilities, located on the first floor of Library West (M-F 8am-5pm | 352-273-2575).

If these responsibilities are not met by individuals or groups with reservations, they will not be permitted to reserve the Studio in the future.

If you have questions or require further assistance, please contact the Digital Humanities Associate, Tiffany C. Esteban, at or 352-273-2875.

Studio Setup

Individuals or groups with a Studio reservation are expected to return the Studio to its original setup when events are complete. A diagram of this setup can be found below.

Layout of the Scott Nygren Scholars Studio.
Permanent fixtures are shown as blue rectangles. The tables and chairs are movable, and shown as orange rectangles and circles. Computers are shown as white “x” marks on top of blue rectangles.